Thursday, April 2, 2020

U.S. History -- THURSDAY 4/2

Best store bought cookie dough chefs recommend - InsiderSomewhere around quarantine day 10 I realized that "place & bake" cookie dough squares are easier to eat than the "scoop & bake" sold in the tubs.  Important life lessons are being acquired in this unprecedented, historic time.  (Health experts advise against eating any sort of raw dough, however; that's my official public word on the matter.)  We will discuss the thesis for CC#30 and The Necessary War as well as the compare/contrast assignment; there will be a few days lag, however, between when something is assigned and when the answers are discussed to accommodate students who have been ill or having wifi problems.  After you've done today's journal entry ("My Story"), then your other history work for today is to get a hefty start on a Claim & Evidence on Crash Course U.S. History: The Great Depression (#33).   After a good 30 minutes of work on the video, you can let it rest to finish tomorrow.