Chapter 15 is due today; however, we will discuss it on our first day back, which is also when you will receive your scored Lincoln Context & Lens for discussion. (Thus, today is the absolute deadline for making up that work.) Chapter 16 will be due Wednesday, January 9th; if it will decrease your stress upon return to school on the 3rd, 4th, etc., it might be a good idea to do a little of it over break to lighten your load even further. If your most recent score for Socratic discussion (Hamilton) was a "Socratic Replacement" done on paper due to absence or other extenuating circumstance, please let me know if that was the case for you. We finished screening Lincoln (from ~1:50:00 until the end = ~30 minutes); we will have an in-depth discussion on our first day back from break.
Friday, December 21, 2018
U.S. History
Today is the absolute deadline for the make-up work on the Crash Course video analysis and the Lincoln Context & Lens, as both will be returned for discussion on our first day back from break. We finished viewing Lincoln (~30 minutes, starting at 1:50:00). We will have an in-depth discussion of the film and your 4 note pages on our first day back to school after break. If your most recent score for Socratic discussion (Hamilton) was a "Socratic Replacement" done on paper due to absence or other extenuating circumstance, please let me know if that was the case for you.
World History
Today is the absolute deadline for finishing the make-up work on the Chavin video analysis. They will be returned for discussion on our first day back from break. Today's focus is writing and preparing for the final exam. Reminder: the rest of the studying is homework, as we will be doing different instructional activities upon our return from break. If your most recent score for Socratic discussion (Zhutwasi episode of Bizzare Foods) was a "Socratic Replacement" done on paper due to absence or other extenuating circumstance, please let me know if that was the case for you.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
U.S. History
Lincoln continued -- view from 30:00 until 1:10:00.
World History
Research, Write, or study for the final exam -- see the details posted over the last several days. ; )
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
U.S. History
We viewed from 30:00 to 1:10:00 in Lincoln while adding to our 4 note pages.
World History
Researchers -- aim for at least 5 pages of content and to be finished by tomorrow so you can move on to writing or to test prep; be sure to submit the research in the designated assignment spot in Google Classroom > Classwork > "Urban Research." Writers -- make good use of your previous feedback and check in with me in your process; be sure to submit the writing in the designated assignment spot in Google Classroom > Classwork > "Urban Writing" AND also submit it to Those not researching or writing -- your task today is to spend a focused 48 minutes preparing for the final exam. ALL students received the study guide today with discussion and time for Q&A with me; remember that most of your studying will be done outside of class -- prepare to set aside time to do this review.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
U.S. History
Crash Course Civil War C&E and the Lincoln C&L will both be returned to you soon; there are some previously absent students who are still making up this scored work. Today we began analysis of the first 30 minutes of the film Lincoln; pick up the four note pages, see a reliable classmate for the extra set-up notes we added; then, view the missed portion either by YouTube, Netflix(?), or setting up a time to come in and view my DVD.
World History
Chavin work is scored and in Power School; once a number of previously absent students have a fair shot to make up this work, then I will return yours to you to discuss, edit, and then use on the last item of the Urban UCWP. Today those who need/want to do the Urban Research are to focus on that and make some progress on it as homework as well. Start by reading carefully the Research Cheats doc in Google Classroom. Those who are not researching but who need/want to do the Urban Writing are to focus on that and make some progress on it as homework as well, starting by reading the several helper docs and instructions in the Writing section of Google Classroom and by looking at the feedback you received on your previous writings. For those students who have already earned previous scores on both the Research and on Writing with which they are satsified, today is a flex-work-day. (This will be the only one of this exact nature.)
Monday, December 17, 2018
We visited the second semester syllabus to show students where in Google Classroom it is located, and we read aloud together the section on plagiarism. (Plagiarism is to earn a students a zero in the CLASS, and a second offense can mean expulsion from KCC.) Chapter 15 is due this Friday, and today was a reading day to give everyone a good jump on the work. We will be doing other class activities the rest of this week; so, finish the reading and note-taking for homework before Friday. (I will be doing a note check.)
U.S. History
Finish the Lincoln Context & Lens skill assessment. If you were absent, see me to set up a time to make up this scored work.
World History
Finish the Urban Unit-Closure Work Packet. Then, look at your active (most recent) scores for the Research skill and for the Writing skill -- decide if you feel that those are your best efforts or if you feel you can perform better. (Note: Research is a matter of following directions on the Research Cheats page and putting in the effort to have a solid amount of information -- everyone is capable of a 95% on this skill if desired.) I talked one-on-one with students who had obviously low scores on either skill to tell them to do one or both of these last options for Research and/or for Writing for this semester for this Urban unit that we are just now concluding. Either/both works are due this Friday.
Friday, December 14, 2018
U.S. History
We began work on a scored skills assessment -- Context & Lens -- with regard to the film Lincoln. If you were absent, see me to set up a time to make up this assessment.
World History
We finished our Chavin analysis. If you were absent, see me to make up this scored work. Students then began working collaboratively on the Urban Unit-Closure Work Packet -- finish at least 1/2 of it before Monday, finishing to that point for homework if needed.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
U.S. History
We finished our in-class scored A/V C&E assessment. If you were absent, see me to set up a time to finish this scored work. We also began a scored assessment of the Context & Lens skill in preparation for screening the film Lincoln -- likewise, see me if you were absent.
World History
A handout was provided and discussion had about the option to take dual-credit U.S. History next year -- pick up a handout if you were absent and see me with any questions. If you think you might be interested in the class and have not testes or need to retest, see me to sign up in the next few days or next week...I will turn the sign-up list over to Guidance next Friday, 12/21. We continued work on the Chavin video analysis. If you were absent, see me to set up a time to complete this in-class scored assessment.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Day 2 of 2 to complete the in-class scored skill assessment -- Context & Lens -- about Lincoln. If you need more time to complete this, see me for a pass to come in during Advisory tomorrow (Thurs) and/or to set up times to work before and/or after school. The course ends THIS Friday (in 2 days) -- scored work must be completed by then at the very latest. Tomorrow's portion of the final exam will be over the Intro UCWP and the Revolution (A New Republic) UCWP.
U.S. History
We discussed via SMART Board the thesis for Crash Course Civil War Part I and then began an in-class, scored assessment -- Audio-Visual Claim & Evidence -- to be finished in class tomorrow.
World History
We discussed our Olmec notes from the video, and then students collaborated in their small groups to pull Olmec notes onto their EQ pages in the appropriate columns. We then began a scored, in-class assessment -- Audio-Visual Claim & Evidence -- over a video about the Chavin culture -- to be finished in class tomorrow.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Final Exam prep time given today! The exam is Thursday and Friday (you were given the study guide and told the dates awhile back already). Tomorrow we will be finishing the scored Lincoln Context & Lens that was begun on Monday; so, this is your only in-class study day -- use it well.
TUESDAY U.S. History
Finish the practice A/V Claim & Evidence on "Crash Course Civil War Part I." (Tomorrow we'll do a self-check of the thesis, have discussion, and answer questions before going into a scored A/V C&E on a different video.)
TUESDAY World History
Finish the Olmec video analysis with note page, starting at the 13:00 spot. (Tomorrow we will do a scored A/V Claim & Evidence on a video about the Chavin and then head into the end-of-unit wrap-up activities.)
ALERT -- some of your papers have been returned via Google Classroom with a personalized message indicating what needs to be remedied by tonight so that I can score your papers. (We are up against a firm deadline for the end of KCC's semester. I returned them Saturday morning and sent emails to you Saturday morning, also.) Suggestion -- download the free Google Classroom app to your phones, as you will get an alert every time a teacher returns something to you. ; ) As for today's in-class work...We are working on a Context & Lens skill for an assessment score about Lincoln, and this will be continued in class on Wednesday when I am again here. Tomorrow, Tuesday, you will be given in-class time to prepare for the final exam which is this Thursday and Friday.
U.S. History
We are doing a practice A/V C&E on Crash Course Civil War Part I, as we need the info and a solid skill practice will put you in good shape for the next one which will be scored. If you were absent, work on this for ~45 minutes, and then tomorrow in class you will have some time to finish.
World History
The Hammurabi's Code primary source "Context & Lens" assignment was returned, discussed, edited, and time given for questions. We finished our note-taking on the Shang and Zhou dynasties and read through, discussed, and added notes to the 2 handouts included in that note packet. (Connect with a reliable classmate.) Collaborate to pull EQ notes about these cultures, being mindful to be an historian with regard to interpreting the sacrifice aspect, as we don't know specifics on how individuals were chosen (volunteered? or not?) and how it was carried out (pain free? or not?) -- perhaps a "both categories" item? We then began our 2nd-to-last case study of the unit -- Olmec -- by way of taking notes from video onto a page that has reduced down the trends list to those for which there is evidence in the video; work through the 13:00 mark. This will be finished in class tomorrow.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Collaborate over Chapter 14 themes. We finish the in-class assessment A/V Claim & Evidence and made individual decisions regarding scoring. The remaining time was provided for students to begin preparing for the final exam, which is next Thursday and Friday. Note: there will be very limited in-class time to test prep; so, this is your core college homework this weekend and next week. Thus, Chapter 15 is not due until two weeks from now -- on 12/21.
U.S. History
We finished the practice round of Reading Claim & Evidence on the John Brown reading, had a casual whole-class discussion via SMART Board to aid understanding and then edited the thesis via SMART Board with discussion. We then began an A/V Claim & Evidence; if you were absent see me to make up this in-class assessment.
World History
Collaborate to pull notes from the Egypt trend note page onto the E.Q. page. We then took notes into a provided packet about the Shang and Zhou Dynasties of Ancient China -- to be finished in class Monday. Materials are in Google Classroom, and if you were absent, also connect with a reliable classmate for clarity on the notes and discussion that accompanied the image-laden slideshow. ; )
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Research was returned via Google Classroom with scores and feedback, including some commentary in the margins where relevant. We worked to complete the A/V Claim & Evidence on the Crash Course -- see me to make up this in-class, potentially scored skill assessment. The info is critical, the score is a choice.
U.S. History
We are doing a Reading Claim & Evidence on excerpts from Chapter 6 of James Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me about John Brown & Abraham Lincoln. This will be 1. to collect important information on this unit, and 2. to practice the skill. (Not for a score.) We are using a newer, quicker method than previously -- instead of doing the work on a separate piece of paper, we are going to do the work directly on the packet...Find a white space in the packet to create a thesis box. You will follow all of the 4-step instructions a usual, EXCEPT instead of writing down evidence notes with page numbers you will simply underline (NOT hi-light, but underling) key points with a pen or pencil. That thesis box -- you'll use that like usual except it's on the packet instead of a loose paper. We'll have ~10 minutes tomorrow to do step 4 (the hi-lighting phase).
World History
Finish the trends note-taking on Egypt. Then, read the short collection of pages about the Indus River Valley while recording notes (+ and - ) directly onto the E.Q. page. (After Egypt I feel that we've done adequate repetition of the trends.) Tomorrow we'll collaborate over Egypt for the E.Q. page and then I'll present a slideshow on the Shang Dynasty.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
We began our in-class activities for the Civil War Era unit of study by hi-lighting and making some notes on a map of the U.S.A. and C.S.A. and doing the same on a timeline -- pick up copies of each and connect with a reliable classmate if you were absent. Also, we revisited the "Simplified Timeline of Slavery and Racial Issues in America" with some brief discussion, marking the "13th Amendment" visually as reminder that is what officially and effectively ended legal slavery in the United States. We then began in-class assessment work on a Crash Course -- see me to make up this missed work if you were absent.
U.S. History
We finished editing and hi-lighting the "quiz." (See a reliable classmate for this if you were absent.) Pull onto your E.Q. page the most important things to know about slavery (using your "12 Years" movie notes and the "quiz".) Read the mystery quote posted on the front-right bulletin board and on your EQ page carve out a little area to label "Mystery Quote" where I want you to take some guesses about the quote -- who might have said it? To whom? Why? What is going on, the scenario, the issue, the context? We discussed, added notes to, and hi-lighted parts of the S.Carolina declaration of secession -- pick up a copy and connect with a reliable classmate if you were absent.
World History
Take trends notes on the Urban Egyptians (see note page), using the provided reading.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
U.S. History
We discussed "12 Years a Slave," adding to our note pages and making use of some images of the character Patsy compared/contrasted to images of the actress Lupita Nyong'o. We took a "quiz-for-thought" on slavery in the U.S. and when going over answers did some guided highlighting of key facts -- to be finished in class tomorrow.
World History
We finished the Context & Lens skill work on the primary source Hammurabi's Code and the 1-page accompanying scholarly secondary source. If you were absent, see me to set up a time to make up this work.
Monday, December 3, 2018
U.S. History
We viewed the following scenes from 12 Years a Slave while recording notes on the provided note page: scene 8 through the point right after the plantation wife speaks to Eliza; scene 12 until right after he gets a drink and the plantation wife on the porch walks away; scene 27 until the end of the letter burning; scene 31 until right before the whipping begins; scene 34 through the end of the film. We will discuss this casually together tomorrow (not formal Socratic). The film is available for $3.99 on Youtube if you prefer that convenience; however, the total time of the clips we watched is ~45 minutes, and you are welcome to set up a time with me to watch my DVD of it in my classroom for free -- before and/or after school.
World History
Collaborate to pull Mesopotamia facts onto the EQ page (both columns) after creating an EQ subheading "Mesopotamia." We then began an in-class skill performance -- Context & Lens on the primary source Hammurabi's Code with a 1-page hand-out reading first by a scholar about the code. See me to make up this missed work if you were absent. The work is required, but whether or not to have it scored will be an individual choice so as to force the issue of students thinking about their own performances -- stay with previous score on Context & Lens or have this one scored to replace it. ; )
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