Chavin work is scored and in Power School; once a number of previously absent students have a fair shot to make up this work, then I will return yours to you to discuss, edit, and then use on the last item of the Urban UCWP. Today those who need/want to do the Urban Research are to focus on that and make some progress on it as homework as well. Start by reading carefully the Research Cheats doc in Google Classroom. Those who are not researching but who need/want to do the Urban Writing are to focus on that and make some progress on it as homework as well, starting by reading the several helper docs and instructions in the Writing section of Google Classroom and by looking at the feedback you received on your previous writings. For those students who have already earned previous scores on both the Research and on Writing with which they are satsified, today is a flex-work-day. (This will be the only one of this exact nature.)