We are doing a Reading Claim & Evidence on excerpts from Chapter 6 of James Loewen's Lies My Teacher Told Me about John Brown & Abraham Lincoln. This will be 1. to collect important information on this unit, and 2. to practice the skill. (Not for a score.) We are using a newer, quicker method than previously -- instead of doing the work on a separate piece of paper, we are going to do the work directly on the packet...Find a white space in the packet to create a thesis box. You will follow all of the 4-step instructions a usual, EXCEPT instead of writing down evidence notes with page numbers you will simply underline (NOT hi-light, but underling) key points with a pen or pencil. That thesis box -- you'll use that like usual except it's on the packet instead of a loose paper. We'll have ~10 minutes tomorrow to do step 4 (the hi-lighting phase).