2nd & 6th hours finished their 3rd viewing of the Crash Course video. In all classes we charted it as a practice round on the Skills Tracking Page, edited the thesis per the key on the SMARTboard, self-scored according to my instructions and scale, and then used our understanding of the film to add to the Unit-Closure Work Pages, part III, number 20. We then filled in the answer on the UCWP, part I, #9 (the thesis for Loewen's Chapter 2), and used that answer to edit as needed students' individual, scored, returned papers from that reading work. Time was given in class to ask me questions about their individual scores and work. (Chart this as our first score for Reading Claim & Evidence.) We then read a short article about "The 11 Nations..." while recording 4-5 curiosity questions onto our C.Q. pages -- finish for homework as needed.