Friday, May 1, 2020

World History -- Friday 5/1

Celebrate May Day with flowers instead of riots this year ...If you'd like to see a list of the entire weeks' work in one place, see Monday's post.  If you like the day-by-day pacing and have already done the earlier work of the week, then focus your small amount of History work time today on the following:                                                                                                                        Watch the last bit of Guns, Germs, & Steel part III ("Into the Tropics") ....40:00-end (~15 min.)...while adding evidence notes and finalizing work on the flow chart.  Also, complete the exit slip for today in Google Classroom.                                                                                                                                                             Key reminders:  If you are interested in a skills re-do, email me this week.  Be aware that on May 20th we will do an open-note "exam"; so, keep handy your UCWPs and the Mental Map Timeline.  It will be for a 100-point assignment grade.  THAT one thing HAS to be conducted and completed on that exact day.