Friday, May 1, 2020

KCC -- Friday 5/1

Celebrate May Day with flowers instead of riots this year ...Happy May Day!                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you'd like to see the entire weeks' work in one place, look at Monday's post.  If you like the day-by-day pacing and have already done the earlier work of this week, then focus your small amount of History work time today on the following:                                                                                                                                                                                                  Watch the very short Internment video w/ George Takai while taking EQ notes, read the poem The Abyss, read the genocide list, and then engage in the discussion assignment in Google Classroom.  

Key reminders:  If you are interested in a skills re-do, email me this week.

Please see messages in Google Classroom from KCC about instructor evaluations and about grades!

Be aware that on May 14th we will do an open-note exam; so, keep handy your UCWPs and the Presidents' Political Parties handout.  It will be for a 100-point assignment grade.  THAT one thing HAS to be conducted and completed on that exact day.  That will conclude the KCC grade, HOWEVER, high school work and scores will continue through May 21st.