Friday, January 6, 2017

World History

Today is the last day to sign up for skills re-dos, which includes Urban Research and Urban E.Q. writing as some options.  We finished our analytical notes while viewing what remained of the Olmec video (available on You tube: History Channel's "Digging for Truth: Kings of the Stone Age.")  Students then collaborated to add E.Q. notes about the Olmec.  In 3rd hour we went over the answers to the practice quiz found on the final exam study guide.  (We did this in 5th hour yesterday.)  Weekend homework; 1. Read over one time all of the content materials for the final exam and mark any items about which you don't feel confident and clear on the meaning...then on Monday be sure to check with me or a classmate to gain that clarity... 2. Go into memorization mode specifically for the first two Unit-Closure Work Packets -- "Intro UCWP" and "Communal UCWP."  (We'll take our focused memorizing in pieces...a new portion assigned each night between now and the exam to help with pacing and focus.)  As time permitted, we began analytical work (a practice "circles" page) while viewing the History Channel's "Digging for Truth: Temple of Doom" about the Chavin (found on You tube, also).  Be sure to pick up a 1/2-sheet pre-viewing handout, also.