Friday, January 6, 2017

U.S. History

Today is the last day to sign up for skills re-dos.  In 6th hour we finished the Crash Course analysis.  In all hours we finished a Reading Claim & Evidence performance on the article "The Other Lincoln."  If you were absent, see me to set up times to make up these scored assessments.  As time permitted in class, students got a head start on their weekend homework; 1. Read over one time all of the content materials for the final exam and mark any items about which you don't feel confident and clear on the meaning...then on Monday be sure to check with me or a classmate to gain that clarity... 2. Go into memorization mode specifically for the first Unit-Closure Work Packet -- "Exploration & Colonization UCWP."  (We'll take our focused memorizing in pieces...a new portion assigned each night between now and the exam to help with pacing and focus.)