Tuesday, September 20, 2016

U.S. History

Paragraphs are due today!  We charted our practice rounds of our skills on our "Skills Tracking Page" (in the SBG packet from the start of the year).  We organized our papers into these categories:  Claim/Evidence, Context/Lens, Research, Socratic, Writing, UCWP, Intro Stuff, and Current Unit -- labels and paperclips provided.  We then discussed Bloom's Taxonomy (for learning) via SMARTboard and students then self-assessed their success on a series of bullet-points for each of our class skills.  (Circle the bullet point items you already do well and put an arrow next to the ones on which you can/need/want to improve.)  We began our new unit by revisiting the Mental Map Timeline (in the curriculum packet from the start of the year) and then setting up our new E.Q. and C.Q. pages -- see me or a reliable classmate for the set up info and clarifications.  There is a "Colonialism" definitions page to pick up that we used to aid our E.Q. set up.