Wednesday, May 11, 2016

World History

Writing instructions and Research instructions were provided both to students who have a zero in that category and to any student desiring a re-do to improve their performance and score.  See me today or tomorrow to let me know if you want to sign up to re-do any of the other 4 skills so I may prepare materials and set up work times for you.  The deadline for submitting completed skills scores is next Friday, May 20th.  "Writing students" were given classtime to organize their evidence and thesis and prepare to write (we'll be in the lab tomorrow to type), and everyone else was given that time to find, organize, and begin to study the materials for the final exam.  (All will have some sort of in-lab writing to do Thurs and Fri and then we'll have a week or more of new lessons.  We'll go back to in-class work on the final exam that last week before finals.  Chip away at those studies as you have time, starting now, during Advisory and in your evenings.)