Thursday, May 12, 2016


The scored "Turn of The Century" essays were returned.  I gave minimal written feedback directly on the papers because I would like to conference individually with students interested in crafting the E.Q. essay for the "Global Issues" unit so we may go through the papers in detail together.  This will be more effective.  Those papers, in highlighted hard-copy form and digitally to are due no later than next Friday, May 20th.  Homework reminder -- pp.760-787 reading is due tomorrow.  We finished our analysis of "Crash Course U.S. History: The Cold War."  Students could keep this page to have the information or they could choose to turn it in for a score to replace their current A/V Claim/Evidence score.  We will discuss and edit our work when the scored papers are returned to the students.  I presented a very short slideshow about U.S. and U.S.S.R. propaganda based upon a lecture I attended by Dr. Christine Varga-Harris of I.S.U.  Email me and I will Google share the slideshow with you.