Wednesday, September 2, 2015


We viewed some images of forks (yes, forks) to discuss the significance of multiple perspectives on a topic.  We read an excerpt by James Loewen and added to our EQ page and discussed the piece.  EQ and CQ pages were collected -- to be redistributed and used in come full circle to our opening question and thoughts.  We set up a new E.Q. page, "Unit 1 Essential Question" with this question "What is colonialism?"  We defined the term to get started.  We talked through how to "gut a book" (effectively pull out accurate meaning and comprehend what we're reading) -- let's begin by adding notes that answer the new E.Q. while reading the start of our textbook....Read the introduction carefully on pp.2-7, then skip the end and read carefully the summary and timeline on pp.32-33, and then go back to page 8 and begin reading the body of the text for the full story and details (pp.8-31).  Remember, you're analyzing for facts that will help to answer the E.Q.; so, that's a lot of reading and thinking, but not a ton of note-taking.  It's focused note-taking on the question.  Finally, record your curiosities as they come to mind (on your C.Q. page).  We'll continue this work in class tomorrow.