Friday, April 3, 2020

World History -- Friday 4/3

Toad Voices of Mario Kart x 6 - Youtube MultiplierQuarantine lesson from day 11 that I am recalling here for you is that no, I've not improved my Mario Cart abilities.  Even in quarantine focus, I off-road more than on-road. Perhaps I should take advantage of this social distancing to sharpen my skills, but I'm afraid it is just too big a mountain for me to scale.  As to other skills and work -- for you  .  .  .  1. Finish CCourse Renaissance (#22).  2. Do a new C&E on the article "The Reformation."  Feel free to print it out and do the work directly on the article OR you can do the work on a sheet of your own paper the way you do for videos and just read the article from your screen.  Be mindful that because the Reformation has been referenced in our Renaissance materials and also in our World Religion unit. we're not spending a lot of time on it at this point, but rather, using only this one article to put all of the pieces together in one, clear place.  So, do a good job on this!  ; )  Get ~15 minute start today and then set aside to finish later.  3. Daily journal entry.