Monday, April 6, 2020

U.S. History -- Monday 4/6

2018 Holy Week Schedule | St. Francis of Assisi ParishKeeping with classroom routines, I will post holiday posters from a wide array of cultures and religions as the diverse holidays come up on the calendar.  This is the start of "Holy Week" for a couple billion Christians around the world.  Today is a catch-up day -- catch up with any work from March 17th-20th and from this week (3/30-4/3) that is not yet completed.  Be mindful to follow instructions carefully, as some work is set up on Google Classroom to be turned in, some is set up there to be worked on but not yet turned in, and some of it is to be completed on paper to be used later.  We will be using all of this work like we always do -- for discussion, or a direct score, or for the Unit-Closure Work Packet, or for writing.  [The old work includes: A/V C&E CCourse #30 WWI (with helper docs), A/V C&E The Necessary War, Compare/Contrast CC#30 & TNWar assignment, A/V C&E CCourse #33 The Great Depression, and your journal.]