Keeping with classroom routines, I will post holiday posters from a wide array of cultures and religions as the diverse holidays come up on the calendar. This is the start of "Holy Week" for a couple billion Christians around the world. Today is a catch-up day -- catch up with any work from March 17th-20th and from last week (3/30-4/3) that is not yet completed. Be mindful to follow instructions carefully that are found here day-by-day, as some work is set up on Google Classroom to be turned in, some is set up there to be worked on but not yet turned in (on-going), and some of it is to be completed on paper and discussed or used later. We will be using all of this work like we always do -- for discussion, or a direct score, or for the Unit-Closure Work Packet, or for writing. [The old work includes: Chapter 19 & 20 notes, A/V C&E CCourse #30 WWI (with helper docs), A/V C&E
The Necessary War, Compare/Contrast CC#30 &
TNWar assignment, Chapter 21 OR 22 notes, A/V C&E CCourse #33 The Great Depression, begin A/V C&E CCourse #35 -OR- #36 (to be finished tomorrow), and your journal.]