4th & 6th hours Curiosity Research was returned with scores and feedback. If yours was returned in need of work before it can be scored -- make the corrections and resubmit by Friday. 7th hour research will be returned tomorrow.
In 6th & 7th hours I discussed the posters, books, and videos up front as prelude to our unit.
In 4th & 6th hours we finished highlighting and discussing the timeline.
In 6th & 7th hours we began our analysis of sizeable clips from the film 12 Years a Slave while adding notes to the provided page of prompts. A helper doc of the 30 UN human rights was also provided, and we took some background/context notes onto the back of the note page via Smart Board. (See a reliable classmate to copy down those notes.) 6th hour watched scene 8 through when Platt and Eliza get out of the wagon at their new plantation "home." 7th hour watched the same as well as scene 12 through the drink of water and when the plantation owner's wife on the porch turns to walk away and scene 27 through the burning of the paper in the fire. If you were absent, you are welcome to watch this in my classroom before or after school (see me to set up a day/time) or you can look for it on youtube, Netflix, etc. Please be mindful that it is an accurate, intense depiction of slavery and is not for younger viewers -- be mindful of younger siblings, etc. in the vicinity. This will be used on Friday for a scored Socratic discussion. 4th hour will begin the film analysis tomorrow.
In 6th & 7th hours I discussed the posters, books, and videos up front as prelude to our unit.
In 4th & 6th hours we finished highlighting and discussing the timeline.
In 6th & 7th hours we began our analysis of sizeable clips from the film 12 Years a Slave while adding notes to the provided page of prompts. A helper doc of the 30 UN human rights was also provided, and we took some background/context notes onto the back of the note page via Smart Board. (See a reliable classmate to copy down those notes.) 6th hour watched scene 8 through when Platt and Eliza get out of the wagon at their new plantation "home." 7th hour watched the same as well as scene 12 through the drink of water and when the plantation owner's wife on the porch turns to walk away and scene 27 through the burning of the paper in the fire. If you were absent, you are welcome to watch this in my classroom before or after school (see me to set up a day/time) or you can look for it on youtube, Netflix, etc. Please be mindful that it is an accurate, intense depiction of slavery and is not for younger viewers -- be mindful of younger siblings, etc. in the vicinity. This will be used on Friday for a scored Socratic discussion. 4th hour will begin the film analysis tomorrow.