We conducted our case study work on the Ute peoples -- pick up a map handout to keep and to reference. Read the article while adding notes directly to the EQ page and a few CQs along the way, as well. We then began taking notes onto a new note page handout "Zhutwasi" while viewing the first 8 1/2 minutes of the "Kalahari" episode of Bizarre Foods. This video and note-taking will be finished in class tomorrow. (We also went over the remaining work for the unit to give a sense that we are nearing the end of our journey into communal cultures: next will be a Reading Claim & Evidence skill assessment on an individual choice of 1 of 3 available articles, Curiosity Research, Unit-Closure Work Packet, Socratic discussion over the E.Q.s, and then the E.Q. end-of-unit writing...)