Textbooks were collected today. Note: final grades for the KCC portion of the class are finished and can be viewed. A handout about "Cognitive Dissonance" and one, also, about "Political Correctness" were provided and discussed...to address the different meanings of the phrase "politically correct," the ways in which it can be intended as respectful, and ways in which it has been misused to shame, limit voices, and shut down dialogue. We set up our new E.Q. page with 2 questions -- see a reliable classmate. We then set up a Claim & Evidence page for the film The Butler and viewed through 15:45. We are not presently planning to take a score on this film analysis, but to do the C&E as a competition (for a prize a little better than the same ol' peppermints we'd been treating on)... I have an extra copy of the DVD you can borrow to catch up on your viewing at home.