Permission slips are due. I collected the "My Voice" work. We discussed the use of holiday posters in the classroom as a window into other cultures, and students submitted a 1/2-sheet on which they listed the holidays important to them. We got set up in Google Classroom and oriented that the permanent collection of items to be reused throughout the year is found in the "Classwork" section, and daily resources (videos, articles) are found in the "Stream." If ever absent be sure to go to the Classwork section and click into the top item -- "Make-up Work" to get my daily instructions. Note that the full department curriculum is found in Classwork, if you're interested. Two handouts were provided and discussed -- the Mental Map Timeline and the Balanced Media handout -- keep these as we'll reuse them throughout the entire year! Finally, students began work on a "Let's Get Acquainted" student be continued in class tomorrow.