Tuesday, January 30, 2018


We began our preparation for Socratic Discussion -- pick up (or see Google Classroom) for the three handouts -- "12 Years a Slave" note page, the Human Rights helper page, and "Simplified Timeline and Slavery and Racial Issues" handout.  Copy from a reliable classmate the context notes we took via SMART Board onto the back of the note page.  Then, take notes from the following scenes...(be prepared that this is an intense film and is not for younger viewers)...Scene 8 through to the point when the plantation mistress has spoken to the female slave in the cart; Scene 12 through to when the plantation mistress turns to walk away on the porch; Scene 27 through to the letter burning; and Scene 31 until she is tied to the post (we stopped before the actual whipping).  There is one more set of scenes that we will view tomorrow.