We discussed Loewen's claim with regard to the historiography of John Brown's story. (See a reliable classmate to edit your notes as needed.) We set up our "Civil War Era" C.Q. and E.Q. pages -- the E.Q. is "What was significant about the Civil War era?" Students then collaborated through ALL of the John Brown (& Lincoln) notes to highlight the key points and helpful evidence that could be used in the end-of-unit E.Q. writing -- then, staple that note page to the EQ page OR make a note on your EQ page "See highlighted John Brown notes!" Lastly, we stepped back to do our big-picture work for the unit -- do a practice (but a good practice) Claim & Evidence on Crash Course U.S. History: Civil War Part I (video #20)...we will do a scored one soon and this skill practice will put you in good shape AND the information is vital. ; ) More time tomorrow in class to finish the Crash Course. ; )