We discussed briefly the terror attacks in Paris, viewing news images of Paris from Friday night, images from around the world of people showing their solidarity with the French people, and excerpts from an article about 120 Muslim scholars from around the world who drafted an open letter (18 pages) refuting the extremist ideology of ISIS. Students worked in small, collaborative groups to pull E.Q. key points from the "Trail of Tears" work we did individually on Friday onto the E.Q. page to be prepared for writing later. Keep the "Trail of Tears" work pages for the end-of-unit (final exam) study guide. We began some study of nativism (taking E.Q. notes and adding C.Q. questions) from Youtube video "Nativism History" (3:3ish minutes). We did the same by listening to and discussing the song "No Irish Need Apply." We'll have one more video clip on this topic tomorrow.