Wednesday, September 2, 2020

U.S. HISTORY -- Wed(9/2)/Thurs(9/3) maroon --and-- Thurs(9/3)/Fri(/9/4) white

We checked in to confirm and clarify the "Pre-Contact Native Peoples" handout, which should now have picture notes or hashtags completed; we also checked the "Guns, Germs, & Steel" flow chart.  We talked through all the details on the highlighted timeline as students added notes and asked for further clarity as needed.  We began adding notes to our EQ and IQ pages while viewing the "Massacre at Mystic" episode of 10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America, focusing on the details of the European perspective, specifics on the Native American lens, and many notes also on the long-term outcome.  (2nd hour maroon viewed through the first 14 minutes, 6th hr mar through 4:57,  2nd hr white 8:54, & 6th hr white 9:35)  We will continue and finish the viewing in class on your next in-school day.  For your new, at-home work, complete the "Igniting Our Connections" question assigned in Google Classroom with a post of your answers and then you need to reply to two other students' posts, using your constructive and respectful communication. 

What do I do?

1. Get help on review handouts if needed.

2. Get help on timeline if needed.

3. View Massacre at Mystic to be on pace with your class hour; EQ/IQ notes.

4. . IOC question on Google Classroom.