Friday, September 11, 2020

US History -- Maroon Fri/Mon (11th/14th) --&-- White Mon/Tues (14th/15th)

 We discussed the "Igniting our Connections" assignment briefly.  Read and take EQ notes from Price's article, "Love & Hate in the Jamestown Colony."  Add more EQ notes from all of the facts in the slideshow "Europe to the Americas" from the scholarship of Stannard.  For at-home work read over the "Socratic Cheats" doc and the "Socratic Rubric" doc -- both in Google Classroom > Classwork page > Socratic topic in the left margin.  We will be doing an in-depth reading in class starting Thursday/Friday that will be used for a Socratic discussion soon.

What do I do?

1. EQ notes from "Love and Hate..." article.

2. EQ notes from slideshow.

3. Review Socratic Cheats and Socratic Rubric.