Tuesday, August 25, 2020

US HISTORY -- Tue(25)/Wed(26) maroon -and- Wed(26)/Thur(27) white

Note the dates at the top of each of these posts -- if you are a "white day" kiddo, for example, you don't have to work on this until we are in class together on Wednesday and I get you started.  While I love the initiative you may have to work ahead, there will be times some things won't make sense out of order and without the in-class guides and starters.  ; )  

Reminder: the "History Basics Homework" assignment was due in Google Classroom.  

A new handout, "Mental Map Timeline" was distributed and discussed; it contains the units of study we will explore this year.  We'll use this each unit and there will be final exam questions about it on the winter exam and on the spring exam.

We went through a super-short (3-slide) slideshow to reconnect to exactly where we left off at the end of the World History class last year with the EQ of what it means to be human and discussed that these themes will continue to be relevant this year as we are continuing to study people.

Each class brainstormed answers and ideas about what it means to be an American, as I collected their answers on the Smart Board; we'll revisit and revise your lists at the end of each unit all year.

We set up a blue Essential Question page with the heading "Exploration and Colonization Essential Question" and with this big question -- "What was colonialism in North America?"  Throughout the unit you will continually collect answers to this question about what it was like here in that era and then use those notes for your end-of-unit writing (which is in lieu of a traditional "test").

Students brainstormed questions they have about this new unit, based on the images they see on the Mental Map Timeline, and I collected their questions on the Smart Board.  

For your at-home work I have sorted those brainstorm questions, now, into Curiosity Questions to be put onto your C.Q. pages (yellow) and those that will be our Inquiry Questions to put onto your I.Q. pages (green).  Allow 1/2 page of space between I.Q. questions so as to have room to collect answers throughout the unit.

Your other at-home work is to collect EQ answers/notes onto your blue E.Q. page, I.Q. answers/notes onto your green I.Q. page, and add your own curiosity questions onto your yellow C.Q. page while reading thoughtfully the excerpts from James W. Loewen's Chapter 2 from his book Lies My Teacher Told Me.  Please complete this reading and note-taking before Thursday (maroon-day kids) or Friday (white-day kids).  Be sure to indicate on your EQ and IQ pages the source name (Loewen Ch.2).

What do I do?

1. Notice post dates and avoid working ahead. (Pro tip.)  ; )

2. Read over Mental Map Timeline.

3. View "Are We Different" slideshow.

4. Set up E.Q, I.Q., & C.Q. pages & add IQs and CQs as posted in GClssrm.

5. Read Loewen's Ch.2 while taking EQ & IQ notes and adding CQs.