Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Stapler in Jello - The Office US - YouTubeHappy April Fools' Day!  I won't pull any pranks on you, because who needs extra stress right now - nobody.  And, let's face it, I'm not very good at pulling pranks.  However, I thought you might enjoy a smile or a chuckle with this picture from The Office recalling when Jim got to Dwight, again, with the ol' Jell-o trick.  Do the assignment in Google Classroom for comparing/contrasting the theses from Crash Course: America in WWI and The Necessary War.  I want you to have time to do a journal entry on your primary source pandemic endurance journal, "My Story."  Some days you'll have a lot to say and sometimes some serious things.  It's expected that some entries might be brief or humorous, too.  Don't forget to revisit the list of prompts at the top of the page so that over time you are including those things even if you're not including all of them every day.  ; )  Lastly, make progress with your note-taking from your chosen chapter from Henretta.