Monday, March 16, 2020

World History

The empires research score sheets were distributed -- do NOT "resolve comments" in Google Classroom (leave them in place).  Email me if you are interested in improving your score; we can discuss options.  All late submissions and re-submissions of the World Religion E.Q. Writing has been scored, commented upon, returned, and entered.  The Empires E.Q. Writing is available as an option in Google Classroom.  The Crash Course: Imperialism will be scored and entered by Wednesday.  In 3rd hour we took notes about the Tripartite World of the Medieval Era on a note page handout.  If you were absent, copy the notes from a reliable classmate -- yes, they can snap a pic and text it to you. ; )  In both hours we viewed some Google images of Gothic cathedrals -- give it a try.  We added a couple of quick notes to our Mental Map Timeline -- copy from a friend if you were absent.  Finish adding E.Q. notes from the video that was started Friday.  Check Google Classroom daily -- the Make-up Work link.