Tuesday, February 25, 2020

World History

Day 2 of 3 for research -- we will look at a rubric tomorrow and then get instructions for the slideshow and presentation on Thursday.  Today and tomorrow, the focus is simply on doing really great research, following the instructions laid out last week and reviewed yesterday.  Remember: this is the last research of the year; so, it is worth your while to do a great job on it; see the feedback on your old research; focus on the EMPIRE phase and not on the cultural info from before it was an empire; Google the empire to find articles that may cover several topics as the easiest way to start; be sure to use only expert sources.  New support advice today, as you may begin deep-dive on subtopics not covered adequately in the more general articles: use short phrases when googling, be active and use synonyms as needed in searches (real research is sometimes a hunt); use the many helpful tips on the Research Cheats doc; mine wikipedia's bibliography for expert sources; if you find an expert video, see me for instructions on how to use it to get credit.