Tuesday, January 21, 2020

World History

I discovered while going over the semester exam with a student and their Unit-Closure Work Packets that a page was missing from the Urban UCWP -- a photocopy error on my part!  So, that missing page was distributed today for students to complete and put with their study materials -- remember, the May exam is cumulative (includes material from the whole year).  I also went back through the final exams to calculate which students' exam scores were potentially influenced enough by the questions based on that missing page that it could have affected their overall semester grade -- there were three students for whom that made a difference.  Those students (who moved from a D+ to a C- or from a C+ to a B-) will receive a letter in the mail indicating such.  The bulk of the class time was for preparing for tomorrow's Socratic discussion: finish the note-taking detailed for Friday, read over the Socratic score sheet, and also see the "Socratic Cheats" doc in Google Classroom > Classwork > Socratic > Socratic Cheats.