Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Essay C&E re-do will start during Advisory tomorrow (for the kids who signed up yesterday), and then you can continue working on it in subsequent advisories; if you feel that isn't working for your schedule or that you'll run out of time, see me to set up time before and/or after school.  The writing has been returned to you -- either with a score and feedback or with instruction on what you need to do so that it can be resubmitted and then scored.  Decision time -- you need to decide if you want your Crash Course Civil War part II scored to replace the old Crash Course Revolution score, or if you want to stay with the previous score.  We read aloud and annotated a copy of South Carolina's secession document as a bit of primary source work to get into details to hang onto the framework of the expert claims we've watched and read -- see a reliable classmate for this.  We also added a few notes to our Class Activities E.Q. notes -- see a reliable classmate.  We then began adding EQ note from the film "10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America: Antietam" -- we viewed through 7:54; this is available on You tube...produced by the History Channel.