Monday, November 4, 2019

World History

We did a folder reorganization -- sorting all of our many communal unit papers into the categories we established at the end of the intro unit.  We finished the Natufians DVD in 3rd hour; we had already finished it 5th hour on Friday.  We discussed my couple of fact-check criticisms of it -- see a reliable classmate for those couple of notes.  Collaborate to pull the big answers and best pieces of detailed evidence from the Natufians notes onto the E.Q. page, and be sure to label the Natufians on the EQ page as being the sedentary village type of agri-culture.  Add CQs as needed to the CQ page.  We then began a webquest on the sedentary village agri-culture of the Catal-Huyuk -- ~15 minutes of looking, reading, and note-taking.  There will be additional time to do more notes in class tomorrow.