Friday, November 1, 2019

World History

Read the very short Economist article excerpt and take down those details as EQ notes -- there's a lot crammed in there to help your note page!  Work at taking VERY short notes, as that not only saves you time and lead or ink, but is the right way to take notes to avoid accidental plagiarism in your writing later.  If something needs to be written as it is in the article, like the list of animals and disease connections, then put it into quotation marks in your notes.  We then watched the first 2:05 and then from 26:00-44:55 of a video about our first case study, the Natufians -- Origins of Civilization: The First Farmers.  If you can find this on Youtube, great, but I've not had luck doing so; you will need to set up a time to come in and watch my DVD during Advisory or before or after school.