Thursday, November 14, 2019


Reminder -- Chapter 8 notes should be done as should the Unit-Closure Work Packet.  Today the essay analyses (reading claim & evidence) were returned -- chart the score, edit the thesis per the key on the Smart Board, and ask questions if you have them.  Today's focus is research -- see the instructions referenced and detailed on the assignment in Google Classroom -- due by tomorrow.  As some students may be ready to begin the writing even though the class as a whole officially begins writing tomorrow...remember that has anti-plagiarism and grammar tools that you should use for writing, and also use your Writing Notes to Self wherein you recorded a cheat list of feedback from your last paper.  For this writing you have the choice of focusing on either EQ #1 or EQ #2; if choosing #2 be mindful this is not to be a narrative biography of a person or people, but rather an argumentative essay in which you either argue particular traits critical to being a revolutionary or argue that several particular people were the most revolutionary.  Tomorrow and Monday will be writing work days in class, and then it will be finished for homework, due next Friday.  (We'll begin our new unit in class next Tuesday.)