Thursday, October 24, 2019

World History

Socratic scores were distributed, time given to ask questions, and I clarified a bit of factual information as follow-up.  Time, now, to begin the writing process -- spend quality time reading through alllll of your notes for E.Q. #2 while brainstorming a list of categories into which those notes could be sorted...a list of big answers that answer the question.  Then, combine categories (with help from me if needed) until you have no more than 4 big answers and without losing information.  Next, write a simple, clear sentence that provides those 2-4 big ideas as answers; this is your thesis sentence...the first sentence of your paragraph.  If you are ready for the next step, see the helper docs in the Writing topic section of Google Classroom for putting together the evidence section/s of your paragraph.  We will continue this work in class on Monday.