Monday, October 21, 2019

World History

We prepared for tomorrow's Socratic discussion -- see the rubric as reminder of what to do to earn the points you desire.  If Socratic discussions make you nervous or less than confident, then also read over the Socratic Cheats doc for additional tips and pointers.  ; )  Please feel free to email with me directly or talk with me in person during class, Advisory, or before or after school so I can give you some individualized coaching and advice if needed/wanted.  I'm here to help!  Because last week was an unusual schedule for many of the days, we took time today to regroup by 1. Looking at our grades in Power School  2. Looking at all of our scores in World History class in Power School  3. Getting some kids caught up with finishing the Reading Claim & Evidence  4. Seeing our scores and feedback on the Communal Research that was due last Thursday, and if a student doesn't have a score, correcting problems and resubmitting  5. Finishing the UCWP w/ picture notes or hashtags (pages 1 & 2) -- it was supposed to be finished over the weekend    AND then 6. Work on other HW or AR if you are entirely caught up with all of your World History work.