Thursday, October 3, 2019

U.S. History

7th hour -- see your scored research and feedback.  In all classes we did a self-evaluation on our skills -- see me to do this if you've been absent.  We then began our new unit of study by setting up our E.Q. and C.Q. pages ("A New Republic").  See a reliable classmate for setup.  Students then collaborated to add details about the French and Haitian revolutions on the handout provided.  (Again, see a reliable classmate for the notes as needed.) I connected their memory from the recent past unit to this one -- the Haudenosaunee of NE had influence on our founding documents (ie. Constitution) in part because they interacted with our Founding Fathers...and that Colonial Williamsburg depicts largely the late colonial era -- the era of our Founding Fathers.  In 4th hour we began the guessing game "Founder or Not" -- to be continued tomorrow, and will be conducted in 6th and 7th tomorrow.