Thursday, September 19, 2019

World History

Please go to your research assignment and see your score and feedback, or to see if there is a message from me about something you need to fix so that you can resubmit it for a grade.  Please go to Power School and check your overall grade for the class.  It's wise to check in on your grades on Power School once or twice a week.  We then took time to organize our many papers into categories so that they can be of great help to us as we move through the year, repeating skills and needing to use these old papers time and time, again:  Class Basics, Current Unit, Writing, Claim & Evidence, Context & Lens, Research, Socratic, & Unit-Closure Work Pages (this last one can be called "Exams" if you like).  We set up our new E.Q. and C.Q. pages for our unit on Communal Cultures.  We added a few notes to our Mental Map Timeline.  See a reliable classmate for the info for these.   We worked with a new handout -- "Outline of Popular Details" -- as for the long list of case study cultures on that page, read over the list and chose 3-5 that you think would be interesting to study and write them on your C.Q. page; except, don't choose the following, as they will already be used in class as required case studies: Native Australians, Yanomamo, or Ute.  We also took some notes on the back side of that handout -- see a reliable classmate.