Tuesday, September 17, 2019

World History

Students were directed to look at their returned research and if it was not scored but instead had a note about needing to fix some things, they should resubmit it after making the corrections.  Note -- the scores for the research are not yet in Power School; they will be tomorrow once folks have had a second chance to get on board with doing the work correctly. ; )  3rd hr writing -- take a look at the "Day 2" doc in the writing collection of helper docs in Google Classroom and finish your paragraph; do not submit it, yet, as we'll edit tomorrow for a stronger final draft.  5th hr writing -- use the three editing-related docs in Google Classroom and spiff up your paragraph into a final draft.  Then submit it to turnitin.com (info for adding this class is posted in the writing section on Google Classroom) -- this submission needs to be UNhighlighted.  Then, submit to the correct assignment spot in Google Classroom a highlighted copy of it.