Wednesday, September 25, 2019

U.S. History

Research is due.  We did collaborative work on a handout that is a pretend E.Q. page about a pretend unit of study called "Winter" to model the process of turning E.Q. notes into a thesis and a paragraph to answer the essential question.  See a reliable classmate for this discussion -- there are 2 key points I want students to get out of this.  ; )  We then became acquainted/reintroduced to the helper docs available in Google Classroom for writing:  Google Classroom > Classwork > Writing (topic in small print in the left margin.  Writing is a complex, multi-step process, and so, let's start at the beginning and do that piece well -- create a doc in the assignment spot in Google Classroom > Classwork > "Exploratin & Colonization E.Q. Writing" and on that doc, brainstorm your list of possible categories into which you could fit each of your many E.Q. notes.  Then, consider how to combine categories if needed so that you end up with no more than 4, leaving out no big themes, just wordsmithing how to name the 4 (or 2 or 3) categories so that all the E.Q. notes can fit.  Only then do you want to turn that list of 2-4 categories/themes into one sentence, being sure to word it so that it answers directly the essential question.  I can help with this!  ; )