Friday, August 30, 2019

World History

We discussed very briefly the holidays of Onam and Labor Day and that I have a very large collection of holiday posters for different cultures and religions that will rotate through the bulletin boards throughout the year as a quick window of curiosity into others' customs and a celebration of one's own.  Students were asked to turn in to me a paper listing the holidays that are important to them so I can assess if I need to make any additions to my collection.  We added E.Q. notes and C.Q. questions while reading "100 People: A World Portrait" and the article about Hannah Garry.  We read the handout of contextual (background) information about "Third Rock from the Sun" and then we set up an entirely new sheet of paper for an A/V Claim & Evidence -- "Third Rock from the Sun" -- see a reliable classmate for the full set-up structure.  The remaining instructions will be finished in class on Tuesday before we begin this scored assessment.