Tuesday, August 27, 2019

World History

Permission slips?  One last review of where to find the Make-up Work.  The "My Voice Matters" work was returned to the students with written feedback; I shared a quote about keeping heads down and voices quiet inhibits creativity, innovation, and learning (be brave and use your voice). ; )  We then added notes to the last item in that packet -- Cognitive Dissonance from 2 slideshows; see slideshows and then a reliable classmate to know which parts to write down.  A Cognitive Dissonance handout was also provided.  We then discussed another handout -- "P.C" versus Being Respectful, which emphasizes being respectful AND using your voice (not letting paranoia about "the right word/s" keep you from discussion.)  We then began our first, short unit, "Human," by setting up our E.Q. page and our C.Q. page -- see a reliable classmate for the info added to them.  We'll begin our exploration of content for these pages tomorrow with some quick UN Human Rights videos.