Thursday, August 29, 2019


Reminder -- Chapter 1 notes due with rubric at start of class tomorrow.  We did a thorough review of safety procedures for my classroom (fire, tornado, intruder).  I provided another map -- this one emphasizing some Native American cultures as well as addressing the locations of Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci's places of landing.  I also provided a handout with 2 different visual timelines (one on each side) to emphasize the duration of the colonial period (with a verbal caveat about the late colonial images -- most colonists would have been unable to afford that level of luxury) and the other to give visual representation to the racial history in North America.  So, you now have 4 new handouts from me between yesterday and today -- handouts we'll revisit as anchors for the unit.  We set up a separate E.Q. page -- "Class Activities E.Q. notes" that will be helpful in the end-of-unit writing, also.  Add some E.Q. answers to this page from all of those 4 handouts -- collaborate as desired! : )