Monday, August 26, 2019


Permission slips?  I shared with the students a bit more opening perspective -- that much of what we do in class will be similar to what the other U.S. kids are doing, but not always, and that while here may be some of the same resources used, the rubric for this class is a little more rigorous.  (All rubrics are in Google Classroom, and each will be discussed before embarking on any skill.)  The biggest differences between the KCC class and the other U.S. classes will be that there is homework for this one -- the reading and note-taking from the Henretta texbook, which will comprise the Context & Lens skill this year (rubric reviewed today) and the notes from which will form the bulk of the evidence provided in their end-of-unit writing.  That's the other biggest difference; instead of a meaty argumentative paragraph, this class requires a 5-page argumentative essay with a works cited page.  We will work together to learn how to do this, but for now it's good to know that it's the same as the paragraph except for the length of the evidence, and you'll have plenty of it from the reading/note-taking.  The weekly reading will take 2-3 hours (a week, NOT per night); it should be manageable.  We began the Chapter 1 note-taking together in class; more time will be given in class tomorrow.