Thursday, May 9, 2019

World History

The Modern Europe writing (Renaissance, Reformation, Exploration EQ) writing is optional -- check your writing score on the World Religions writing, and if you are satisfied with that score, you can choose simply to freeze on that score for writing.  If, however, you are not pleased with that writing performance, then plan to move forward with using the writing helper docs in Google Classroom to do the writing in the new assignment spot set up for it in Google Classroom.  A spot has also been created in for the mandatory submission there, as well.  PLEASE feel very free to come in during Advisory to work on the writing to access feedback from me while you work.  ; )  A handout was provided about the cognitive dissonance we've been discussing all year -- to discuss with greater clarity and with a visual aid.  We discussed our Mental Map Timeline and made some additions to it -- copy from a reliable classmate.  We set up a new E.Q. page -- Modern Western Civilization (a shift from a Mediterranean view to an Atlantic one)  #1 for the front side: "Who is a revolutionary (examples and descriptions)?"  and on the back side: #2 What was the Enlightenment?  We then began a new Reading Claim & Evidence -- to be finished in class tomorrow.