Monday, May 13, 2019

World History

A handout was provided today to address the different meanings of the phrase "politically correct," the ways in which it can be intended as respectful, and ways in which it has been misused, sadly, to shame, limit voices, and shut down dialogue.  Please pick up this handout and see me if you have any questions.  Reminder that anyone doing the Modern Europe writing (Renaissance, Reformation, & Exploration) should be working on it, seeing me as needed for feedback and help, and wrapping it up to turn in by Friday -- both to Google Classroom and to  The Create Dangerously except work completed on Friday was returned to the students for them to discern the level of success they had on it and to mark "GRADE" on the front page if they'd like it to be scored to replace the Reformation C&E --OR-- to mark "NO" on it to indicate their choice to stay with their previous Reformation C&E score.  We then set up a new Claim & Evidence page to do one for Audio-visual on a film we are using in class on the Haitian Revolution.  If you were absent, see me to get the context notes and to set up a time to make-up today's viewing and analysis.