Monday, April 29, 2019

U.S. History

WWI and WWII "teams" cheat sheets were viewed, discussed, printed, color-coded, and where needed, additions and corrections made.  If you were absent, please pick up an extra handout and see a reliable classmate or if you'd like a printout out the one you created, please email me.  We then began viewing Elie Wiesel's last visit to Auschwitz concentration/death camp in a 46-minute Oprah special episode -- it does a solid job of primary source interview, contextual information overlay, primary source photographs and video footage -- all in a relatively small space of time.  Today we watched through 13:33 -- please catch up at home if you were absent today, while adding E.Q. notes and C.Q. questions to those 2 pages AND be mindful that it is graphic material and small children should not be in the room.