Wednesday, March 27, 2019

U.S. History

15 more minutes of class time was given for research -- finish for homework if need with the target goal of more than 4 pages (size 12 single-spaced) of expert info, read and key points highlighted.  For those on an interesting research trail who want to go above and beyond the 90% goal, you have from now through Friday before it's due...extra "homework time."  We then began work on the Turn of the Century Unit-Closure Work Packet -- use your papers, use your neighbors, use your neighbors' papers -- whatever is the quickest and easiest ways to transfer the specified highlights to that organized, thin packet is great!  Finish 1/3 of the packet before tomorrow.  IF you are interested in signing up for an individualized option to include a traditional test on this unit into your overall class grade, speak with me or email me today.  ; )