Tuesday, March 26, 2019

U.S. History

We finished adding to our E.Q. and C.Q. pages and to the "Simplified History of Presidents' Political Parties" while viewing the rest of the video from yesterday.  For 2nd hour 37:33-end, and for 5th hour 29:49-end.  The rest of the period was given for Curiosity Research work time:  first, reread the 2 pages of the Research Cheats doc to get refreshed on instructions and pointers for maximizing research time-on-task ("quality quantity").  There will be 15 more minutes given in class tomorrow, and then if you would like more time beyond that, it will be homework.  4+ pages for 3.0 due by Thursday.  (6+ =3.5; 6+ w/ extensive commentary = 4.0)  See me if you have any questions, as always.