Friday, March 22, 2019

U.S. History

Crash Course #27 A/V C&E scored work was returned, edited, and discussed.  Students were asked to check their Civil War Writing assessment in Google Classroom, as I will begin entering scores to Power School starting Monday and there are quite a lot who need to turn in the work or make corrections as indicated in my note to them and then resubmit the writing.  We continued with our work on breaking down the poem indicated yesterday -- making use of 2 rounds of helper information from Professor Dr. Jean Griffith (English Dept., Wichita State); then, collaborate to add relevant notes to the E.Q. page!  We then got set up to begin adding to our "Simplified History of Presidents' Political Parties" packet, to our E.Q. notes for the unit, and to our C.Q. pages while viewing the "Cleveland to Taft: 1885-1913" episode of The Presidents (by the History Channel, available on You tube).  We'll begin the viewing in class on Monday.